Chester Bennett Cup, 2021
14 April 2021
This year's Chester Bennett Cup was held on the PAC front oval on the 28th of February. The PAOC side was made up with a number of ATCA players, with only Lachlan Pointon and James Cleggett putting their hand up from SACA clubs.
Intercol Bowls
14 April 2021
The annual Intercol Bowls night against St. Peters Old Collegians, and this year hosted by Prince Alfred Old Collegians, was once again held at the Adelaide Bowling Club on Thursday, 11 February, 2021.
Class of 1980 + One Year Reunion
29 March 2021
After two aborted attempts in 2020, the Class of 1980 held their forty year reunion on Friday 12 February 2021.
Reds in the CBD Drinks
16 December 2020
'Reds in the CBD' is an event that caters for Old Reds of all ages and provides an opportunity for our 'new' Old Collegians to connect with other Old Reds.
Class of 1970 Fifty Year Reunion
16 December 2020
On Friday 18 September, the Class of 1970 came together in the Prince Philip Theatre to celebrate their 50 Year Reunion.
Sporting Clubs Breakfast
16 December 2020
Recently, representatives from PAOCA Sporting Clubs met with our 2020 Year 12 students over breakfast to discuss what the College's Old Scholar Sporting clubs can offer students post-graduation.