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Intercol Bowls

18 March 2022

This year's Intercol bowls tournament against the St Peter's Old Collegians was held at the Adelaide Bowling Club on Thursday 17 February.

Most years in the past we have struggled to field the 8 rinks of 4 (32 players) we aim for. For the first time in all the years I have been involved in this night, we actually fielded 35 players, being 8 rinks of 4 and one rink of 3. This augurs well for the future existence of this event.

After a three year drought when the Old Blues won a hat-trick of the event, the shield was returned to its rightful home when the Old Reds comfortably won this year 131 shots to 104 shots. The Blues won on 5 rinks and the Reds won on 4 rinks, but the Blues rink wins were of narrow margins compared with the Reds rink wins of greater margins, which contributed to the overall result in favour of the Old Reds.

The usual excellent supper and convivial drinks were enjoyed by the players from both old scholars associations together following the game, as were the speeches and presentation of the shield to the PAOC convenor. The Adelaide Bowling Club was once again thanked for hosting the night and look forward to being able to return for next year’s event.

John Morris (1962)

Intercol Bowls 0000s 0003 663 DE054 4 A57 4 E62 AD33 6 CB9 D6126280 Intercol Bowls 0000s 0002 43885 C12 C2 F2 4019 BD11 6 EEC61 FA1 E8 E Intercol Bowls 0000s 0001 BE675 CBC 36 D5 4575 B472 6 DE80 A8 B60 B5 Intercol Bowls 0000s 0000 Bowls John Morris