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Class of 1960 Sixty Year Reunion

2 August 2021

As fathers and grandfathers, the Class of 1960 has no doubt said to the next generations that ‘patience is a virtue’, and so it was on the third attempt the group celebrated sixty years since leaving school, albeit a year late.

Ably lead by year group luminaries Christopher Dibden, Bruce Perks, Vern Drew and Neil Paterson, the reunion, held on Friday 9 July 2021, took the form of a long lunch in the elegant dining room of the Naval, Military and Airforce Club, where privacy, carpet and soft furnishings ensured that 29 nigh on octogenarians could enjoy proceedings.

John Mack was in cheerful form as Master of Ceremonies, PAOCA President Alan Letcher welcomed guests on behalf of the Association, and the Toast to the School proposed by Ivan Simmons. As the reunion fell during the mid-year holidays, the Headmaster was unable to be present and an update of College life was provided by the PAC Foundation’s David Cornish. A small presentation was made to Mary-Ann Standish for ensuring the group didn’t miss out on their reunion!

One of the highlights of the lunch was the group photograph taken on the Club’s staircase. A very special day!

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