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Class of 1957 Sixty-Five Year Reunion

29 April 2022

Lunch for the Class of 1957 was held in the Prince Philip Theatre on Thursday 28 April, with 29 old boys in attendance.

This was preceded by a tour of the school, and the new and highly impressive boarding house, accommodating 150 boys.

Graham Trowse and John Mitchell travelled from interstate, and there were 19 apologies including seven from interstate and two from overseas.

Alan Letcher, PAOCA President, welcomed the Class of 1957 and Michael Johnston proposed the Toast to the School. MC Legh Davis introduced Bradley Fenner, who after eight years as Headmaster, will retire in July. His extraordinary career in education has included Headmaster of Westminster School, and King's College Auckland. Brad was warmly applauded after his response, which reflected the strength of PAC under his leadership - both educationally and culturally.

Old Boys Warren Leslie, Deane Treloar, Roger Wilson and Ken Grundy shared reflections of their PAC schooldays. PAOCA Executive Officer, Mary-Ann Standish, was thanked for her extraordinary commitment to PAOCA, along with Ian Sando and John McNeil who assisted with the organisation of the reunion.

Legh Davis
Class of 1957

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