Sporkting club breakfsat

Sporting Clubs Breakfast

16 December 2020

Recently, representatives from PAOCA Sporting Clubs met with our 2020 Year 12 students over breakfast to discuss what the College's Old Scholar Sporting clubs can offer students post-graduation.

PAOCA President Alan Letcher welcomed the Year 12s and the Old Reds’ Sporting Clubs to breakfast in the Davey Courtyard on Friday 25 September 2020. Alan introduced each of the Clubs’ representatives and invited them to provide the boys with a summary of their Club’s training schedules and games post-graduation.

Thank you to Alex Chapman and Liam Rippon (PAOC Hockey Club); Michael Siciliano, Craig Pitt and Jim Parkinson (PAOC Football Club); Lucas De Garis (PAOC Squash Club); Kevin Khaw (PAOC Badminton Club); Nick Krantz and Noah Miles (PAOC Basketball Club); Zac Mizgalski (PAOC Soccer Club) and Will van Dissel and Stephen Ottanelli (PAOC Cricket Club)