Reds in the CBD Banner

Reds in the CBD Drinks

16 December 2020

'Reds in the CBD' is an event that caters for Old Reds of all ages and provides an opportunity for our 'new' Old Collegians to connect with other Old Reds.

70 Old Reds, including our ‘new’ Old Reds from the Class of 2019, attended the first Reds in the CBD Drinks event for 2020 on Friday 31 July at The Seven Stars Hotel in Angas Street. President Alan Letcher welcomed our guests, with Old Reds from all decades in attendance, including representation from each of the sporting clubs. Thank you to Tom Ricketts for his hospitality and making it an enjoyable night.

Redsinthe CBD1

Redsinthe CBD8

Redsinthe CBD7

Redsinthe CBD2

Redsinthe CBD6

Redsinthe CBD4