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Class of 1961 Reunion

22 April 2021

Friday 16 April 2021 saw fifty excited ‘lads’ gather for their reunion of sixty years since leaving Prince Alfred College.

The gathering commenced with a tour of the school ably guided by David Cornish. Those who participated in the tour were impressed with the modern learning conditions for the current students, much different from the classrooms from sixty years ago, that they had experienced!

As the ‘boys’ entered the Prince Philip Theatre, they congratulated each other ‘on making it’ and were warmly greeted by Mary-Ann Standish (who handed out the name badges suitably printed in a size which was easy to read by the fading eyes). Our thanks go to Mary-Ann for her tremendous efforts in coordinating all facets of the reunion.

The ‘boys’ were joined at lunch by Bradley Fenner, Headmaster, Alan Letcher, President of PAOCA, and special guest 94-year-old Ian Houston, IA (Year 7) Master.

David Griggs proved an able well-versed MC, and Ian Daebeler proposed an interesting Toast to the School. The gathering was provided with updates of school events, developments and plans from Headmaster Fenner and President Letcher.

As the ‘boys’ enjoyed the lunch and camaraderie they reflected that this was the venue where they had received spiritual nourishment many years before. Entertainment was provided by David Tamblyn with a well-practised demonstration of his yo-yo skills, which had rewarded him with an overseas trip in his teenage years.

All those present agreed that after the pleasant time they had experienced together, that they meet again at the same venue in ten years’ time.

Ian Siegele
(on behalf of the Class of 1961 Reunion Committee: Rob Motteram, Ian Daebeler and Bruce Reichstein)

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