Intercol Tennis

Intercol Tennis: E T Rowe Cup

9 March 2022

The PAOC and SPOC Associations managed to each have twelve very capable tennis players organized to compete in another exciting encounter between our Old Scholars Tennis teams held under lights at the Kensington Gardens Bowling & Tennis Club Inc. on Wednesday, 9 March 2022.

Given our recent succession of four victories, the Old Reds were very keen to retain the silverware that is proudly raised by the victors each year (as well as the bragging rights) - and yet again be crowned the champion Old Scholars “Tennis Challenge” Tennis Team.

Princes was well prepared for a strong Saints team of determined players to stretch us throughout this contest – and afforded our opposition with the respect that it duly deserved.

As in previous years, this event was played over two equal rounds (with a total of twelve rubbers on this occasion) – and, by the end of Round 1, after outplaying our foes, our great team secured a well-deserved lead.

The “half-time” break was a very good opportunity for our players to re-group as well as to regain their energy levels with the now-traditional barbecue supper.

In summary, after another exciting battle between the tennis arch-rivals, the Old Reds were victorious (now five wins in a row!), with the following Match Result of: Rubbers 10-2 [Sets (21-6) and Games (154-94)] – and Princes was duly awarded the coveted trophy.

Congratulations to all of our players – they thoroughly deserved their comprehensive win.

This was another enjoyable and very successful Old Scholars' sporting function for the Old Reds, amidst the historic fiercely competitive intense rivalry between our Old Scholars Tennis teams.

It is important to note that the venue, which offers the Old Blues a distinct advantage as it is where the SPOC Tennis Club plays its “home“ matches, was praised by all relevant parties.

Particular gratitude is extended to Saints for hosting this social occasion and the SPOC providing generous catering – with many thanks to Joshua Gregg (Ace Tennis Player and PAC Secondary School schoolmaster) for assembling our players.

Well done to the almighty Princes team!

Michael Hihimanis (1980)
Intercol Tennis Convenor