The evening began with a tour of the school hosted by Chris McGuire, who provided an insightful and entertaining walkthrough, showcasing the spectacular transformation of the facilities over the past twenty years, with the highlights being the Red Centre and the new Boarding House.
Many travelled from interstate and regional areas to attend the event. Also in attendance were PAOCA President, Mr Alan Letcher as well as year level teachers, Messrs Andrew Buxton and Chris Jordison.
The gathering sparked a strong sense of belonging amongst the cohort, with the room holding a warm and familiar aura. It was endearing to see everyone feel so comfortable with one another after so many years and relish the opportunity to spend some time with whom many consider their extended family. We all realised how privileged we are to have grown up with each other and were so proud of the long-standing camaraderie built from all those years ago.
A fantastic night was had by everyone, rekindling old friendships, reminiscing about the past, as well as sharing and exchanging pearls of wisdom with each other, from daring experiences and exciting careers, to self-discovery journeys raising young families. The event kicked on well into the night for most, with an unofficial afterparty at the Cumberland Arms Hotel.
Ben David, Cameron Ballard, Sam Richardson and Aleck Whitham
Class Of 2001 Reunion Committee