Before lunch a tour of the school led by David Cornish (PAC Foundation) visited recent additions to the school, including the new Boarding House with its unparalleled views of the College and the Back Oval area.
David Hallett was our MC and named the 29 apologies from overseas and interstate as well as those that had, unfortunately, passed away. Of particular note was the seven (of a class of 19) who started in Year 1 in 1960 who were present, and acknowledged Mark Denton who had returned from far north WA to e our most travelled attendee. David mentioned key events from 1971 including the death of Jack Dunning and Tag Luke’s retirement, and summarised some interesting points regarding each of us as well as the world of 1971.
Tony Dalwood proposed the Toast to the School after highlighting some of the travails that PAC had endured over its 150 year history in reference to the current world environment. Furthermore, the time of transition the school was in as special guest Geoff Bean had taken over the Headmastership. Headmaster Bradley Fenner responded with an update of recent activities at the school and also referred to that time of social change of fifty years ago. Mention was made of the 150th anniversary of the first Football Intercol which was played the next day, making the 1971 winning Intercol the 100th!
To conclude the reunion a reading of Collect 9 from morning Assembly was had and it was noted that it dated from circa 1552. There was also a rousing rendition of the War Cry!
All in attendance enjoyed themselves, and very much look forward to the next official reunion in ten years’ time.
Tony Dalwood
Class of 1971