1962 Banner

Class of 1962 Sixty Year Reunion

30 April 2022

Despite numbers being reduced slightly as a result of COVID-19, about 42 Old Reds gathered at the PAC Prince Philip Theatre for a luncheon on Friday 29 April, 2022 to celebrate their sixty year reunion.

 It was particularly pleasing to see a strong contingent make the trip from interstate, with those in attendance noticeably pleased to catch up with mates from so long ago.

Prior to the luncheon, attendees were treated to a guided tour of the new Senior School Library, the new Red Centre accommodating swimming centre, squash courts, basketball courts, gymnasium, etc, and on the other side of Parade West, the group visited the recently opened and nationally acclaimed Boarding House.

Back at the Prince Philip Theatre, John Potter undertook the role of Master of Ceremonies for the occasion, and Old Scholars Association President, Alan Letcher, welcolmed those present and provided an update on current PAOCA activities. Bill Riceman, past teacher at the School from the mid-1970s to the mid-80s, and aircraft pilot with 8,000 hours flying experience, proposed the Toast to the School. Bill delivered a well-researched and thoughtful address touching on the importance of a PAC education and reflecting on the vast number of students he had taught, or was aware of, who had achieved with distinction at national and international levels.

Our Headmaster, Bradley Fenner, in his last few months at PAC before retirement, reported on the many significant campus upgrades and advancements over recent years, and summarised some of the impressive performances of students in academic, co-curricular and sporting activities.

All attendees agreed that the occasion was a wonderful day of reminiscing and renewing old acquaintances.

David Hassell
Class of 19

1962 Banner
Back row: Peter Jackson, John Solly, Geoff Williamson, Ian Kerr, Peter Darley, Rob Gerard Fourth row: Allan Lamb, Henry Michell, Bevan Daniel, Trevor Andrew, Gilbert Rutherford, Graham Talbot Third row: Chris Skeer, Jim Goode, John Morris, Rob Woolcock, Geoff Pike Second row: Peter Tregoning, Bruce McFarlane, Bruce Harry, Trevor Cock, Kevin Gehan, Roger Trengove, Darrell Trim Front row: Jack Ashby, Peter Ashby, Owen Chapman, Grant Rowe, David Jenkin, David Hassell, ROB Heaslip, Bill Tasker, Roger Carol, Phil Sumner, Doug Ashby, Don Bosanquet, Ian Penna, Bill Riceman, John Potter, Bill Holmes, David Wagner, Rod Evins

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