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Celebrating William ‘Bill’ Morris Johnson (1944-1952)

16 December 2020

Recently, Old Scholars, friends and special guests celebrated the 50 year anniversary of Old Scholar Bill Morris Johnson's (1970) Presidency of the Prince Alfred Old Collegians Association.

Bill served as the President of the Prince Alfred Old Collegians' Association in 1970. In celebrating this milestone, current president of the Association, Alan Letcher noted the fact Bill was an avid sportsmen, having played football for the Prince Alfred Old Collegians Football Club from 1953 to 1970, four of these years as Captain Coach and President of the Club. Bill was also an accomplished squash and tennis player representing PAC in the Old Collegians' Intercollegiate competitions.

Off the field Bill was also heavily involved in the Association becoming a member of the PAOCA Management Committee in 1961, and elected as President in 1970.

Amongst Bill’s guests were Geoffrey Bean, Brian and Beverley Webber, Mary Catford, Margaret Piper, John Easling (1977), Ian Gemmell (1958), David Johnston (1963), Grant Laidlaw (1959), Deane Treloar (1957), and of course past Presidents, and current Management Committee members including:

Peter Brooks (1980), Peter Buttery (1959), Andrew Clarkson (1980), Peter Crouch (1973), Rob Hall (1966), Fred Hamood (1969), David Hassell (1962), Sean Heylen (1988), Michael Hihimanis (1979), John Jovicevic (2000), Thomas Lambert (2004), Craig Moffat (1970), Andrew Sullivan (1998), Gary Taplin (1965), Max Thompson (1964) and Rex Wilson (1966), and last but not least Bill’s wife Yvonne and son, David (1987) from Sydney.

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